Outlet Order Tacking
- Option to customized orders along with Delivery & Cooking instructions
- Staff Clock-In/Clock-out maintaining shifts
- Station wise KOT Printing
- Easy to apply Coupons & Discounts based on user roles
- Split bill payment option

Online Order Taking
- Order taking through website/mobile app
- 3 clicks order taking flow
- Order from History
- Customization, Half n Half & Build your own pizza options
- Secure payment integration
Kitchen Screen
- Kitchen screen with order details and its recipe
- New customer identifier
- Beep sound upon first order on screen
- Dispatch screens with order and pin points on google map

Admin Portal
- Customized Menu upload for Desktop/Website & Mobile App
- Aggregator Menu upload
- Multi-stage recipe management
- Store operational configurations
- Staff & Inventory Management
360° Reporting
- Single dashboard monitoring
- 360-degree Customer & Sales Report
- 30 minutes roster reports
- Staff report
- Inventory report

Our POS Customer

Pippos Pizza
Niddrie, Melbourne

Aroma Pizza
Golden Groove,
SA -Adelaide

Wsternport Pizza
Hastings, Melbourne

Franky Pizza
Sunbury, Melbourne
Explore our pos Systeam